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CFP 'Sex and gender identities in the first millennia: Scottish evidence and its wider context'

Recent years have seen considerable advances in studying sex and gender identities in pre- and proto-historic societies, but this has had little impact on approaches to the Scottish evidence. In seeking to explore this topic in a First Millennia Studies Group day seminar, offers of papers are invited that address the following questions.

  • How can analysis driven by regions/periods with strong burial evidence and/or textual records benefit understanding of Scottish identities more widely?
  • Are there problems of perception in modern studies, in where research effort is focused, or how the subject is organised/promoted?
  • How do attitudes today to sex and gender identities shape how we approach the past?  How do we move to a richer understanding of the past?

Papers are requested that offer novel treatments and perspectives from inside and outside Scotland to allow discussion of how work on this topic can be developed. In addition, we propose to have a Lightning Round – a 10 minute platform for which we encourage contributions from post-graduates working on relevant topics.

Offers of papers, including a title and a short abstract, specifying whether a full 20 minute paper or a Lightening Round contribution, should be sent to by Friday 30th March 2018.