Sidonius, his words, and his world: an international conference

From 20 to 23 November 2014, the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology will host an international conference on Sidonius Apollinaris. (Published 29 August 2014)


The conference is generously funded by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust and organised by Gavin Kelly (University of Edinburgh) and Joop van Waarden (University of Amsterdam). The speakers are international experts in the field, from Europe, the Unites States, and Australasia.

Stained glass of St Sidonius in Clermont cathedral

Event description

The conference brings together the contributors to a major collaborative volume on Sidonius, members of the Leverhulme-funded International Network dedicated to producing a comprehensive commentary on Sidonius’ work, as well as other scholars with an interest in Sidonius, later Latin literature, and fifth-century Gaul.

Event details Thursday 20 November 2014, 10.00am Seminar Room 2, Chrystal Macmillan Building, George Square

For full details of start and end times and locations please see the event schedule above. Event begins Thursday 20 November at 15.00 in seminar room 2, Chrystal Macmillan building.


Speakers will take a variety of disciplinary viewpoints, including literary studies, linguistics, reception and history of scholarship, and political, social and religious history.

There will be two public lectures open to all:

  • Ralph Mathisen (Urbana-Champaign), Sidonius’ People (Meadows Lecture Theatre, 6pm, Thursday 20 November)
  • Jill Harries (St Andrews), East versus West: Sidonius, Anthemius, and the Empire of the Dawn (Meadows Lecture Theatre, 6pm, Friday 21 November) [Sponsored by the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology]

Costs and funding

The price will be £40 registration and £30 for students or unwaged.

Free places will be available for up to 10 University of Edinburgh graduate students: please contact Dr Gavin Kelly.

The Classical Association is kindly sponsoring up to four bursaries for graduate students from outside Edinburgh to cover registration, conference dinner, and a contribution towards travel and accommodation costs. Please write to Dr Kelly by 5 November briefly explaining the relevance of the conference to your studies and detailing your costs, and ask a supervisor to provide a short statement of support by the same date.

Register online

Registration is now open, please register online via the University's online booking system.

Contact the conference organisers

For further information on this conference please contact the conference organisers.

Professor Gavin Kelly

Head of Subject Area; Classics

  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details

Dr Joop Waarden

  • University of Amsterdam

Contact details