Classics postgraduate seminars

The Edinburgh Classics postgraduate seminar series takes place throughout the semester. All are welcome.


Time and location

The Byzantine Studies seminars take place throughout the year, on Mondays unless otherwise stated, online via Zoom from 5.15pm. To receive information on how to join the seminars please email Open to all.

Semester 1 2020/21

Date Speaker Topic
Monday 21 Sept

Margaret Mullett (University of Edinburgh) 

'A saint in space: Mobility and distance in the Life of Cyril Phileotes'
Monday 5 Oct

Christodoulos Papavarnavas (University of Vienna) 

'Martyrs’ prisons as healing shrines in Byzantine hagiography'

Monday 19 Oct Kirsty Stewart (University of Edinburgh)

“Whiter than crystal” – Ideals and realities of beauty in Byzantium 

Monday 2 Nov Lara Frentrop (Heidelberg University)

'Monkeys, sin, and sauce? Examining Middle Byzantine dining vessels’

Thursday-Saturday 19-21 Nov 4th annual LAIBS Conference: Catastrophes and Memory (500-1500 CE) More information and registration
Friday 4 Dec

Maria Mavroudi (University of California, Berkeley) 

'The modern historiography of Byzantine and Islamic philosophy: A comparison'

Semester 2 2020/21 

Date Speaker Topic

Monday 1 Feb

Dimitrios Skrekas (University of Oxford)

‘Neophytos, Bishop of Grevena; a less known author of the 15th c.’

Friday 5-Sunday 7 Feb

1st Online Edinburgh Byzantine Book Festival More information and registration

Monday 22 Feb 

Johannes Pahlitzsch (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) ‘The "Suriani" in Lusignan Cyprus in the 13th and 14th centuries: Terminology and legal status’
Monday 1 Mar Jiemin Fang (University of Edinburgh) ‘Hoards, burials, and largesse: Byzantine and Sasanian coins in early medieval China’

Monday 8 Mar 

Panos Sophoulis (University of Athens) ‘Shepherds, military men and ‘brigand societies’: The problem of banditry in the medieval Balkans’
Thursday 11 Mar

Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann (Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)

‘From Egypt to Byzantium: Iatromagical motifs in Byzantine medicine’

Co-hosted with the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Group Seminar Series

NB 1-2:30 pm

Monday 22 Mar

Krystina Kubina (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

'"Burn in hell!" Stephanos Sgouropulos’ Poems to Alexios III Komnenos, Emperor of Trebizond'

Monday 19 Apr

Mirela Ivanova (University of Oxford)

‘(Re)Inventing Slavonic: The lives of Cyril and Methodios revisited’

Convened by Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, Jim Crow, Niels Gaul, Foteini Spingou, Yannis Stouraitis 

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