The William R. McFarlane Scholarship

The Migration, Slavery & Diaspora Studies hub at the Edinburgh Centre for Global History hosts the William R. McFarlane Scholarship for doctoral research.

The William R McFarlane Scholarship supports outstanding doctoral research in Scottish diaspora studies and related disciplines.  Although Scottish history is a core concern, the Migration, Slavery & Diaspora Studies hub, which has developed out of the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, has broad transnational interests and welcomes projects relating to other nations which put the Scottish example in a comparative perspective.

We expect that the next award for this scholarship will be made for the academic year starting September 2023. Details of who to apply will appear here in due course.

Current McFarlane Scholars

  • Christopher Wheeler was awarded the William R. McFarlane Scholarship for 2022 for a study of ‘The Influence of Irish Catholic Immigrants on New York City Politics between 1840 and 1860’. He will be supervised by Dr David Silkenat and Professor Enda Delaney.
  • Willem Pauw was awarded the William R. McFarlane Scholarship for 2020. His PhD project supervised by Dr Stephen McDowall and Dr Angela Bartie, combines archival research and oral history to examine the lived experience of various Chinese communities in Scotland.

Previous McFarlane Scholars

Harry Lewis ​was awarded the William R McFarlane Scholarship for 2019. His PhD project, supervised by Dr Alasdair Raffe and Professor Diana Paton, is entitled Jacobitism and the British Caribbean: a study of Catholicism, Sedition and Otherness, 1688-1745.

Find out more about applying at the link below:

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