MSc in American History

The taught MSc in American History offers you the chance to study the whole hemisphere of the Americas within a School that has one of the largest groups of American historians in the UK.

ONLINE EVENT - Introduction to postgraduate degrees in History, Classics and Archaeology

Join HCA's Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes, Professor Cordelia Beattie, for an introduction to our postgraduate degrees in History, Classics and Archaeology. 

Wednesday 19th February, 2pm - 3pm GMT

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The taught MSc in American History offers you the chance to study American History in the hemispheric sense, taking ‘America’ to mean the whole hemisphere of the Americas. You will study at an advanced level through taught courses and independent research.

The programme involves two semesters of teaching followed by an individual research project. Within one of the biggest scholarly communities of American historians in the UK, you will have a range of courses to choose from, enabling you to tailor your degree to your interests and ambitions

Edinburgh boasts impressive resources for historians of the Americas.

Our postgraduate community is international, making the School the ideal environment for you to share ideas, collaborate on research, gain new perspectives and meet like-minded individuals.

Find out about the admission criteria and required qualifications for the MSc in American History.

You will need to complete an online application which includes a degree certificate, transcripts and other supporting documents.

Find out where to find available scholarships for your chosen programme of study.

Find out how much your programme of study will cost, searching for funding opportunities and find out about our Graduate Discount Scheme.

Our students have a variety of career paths in mind.

Please direct your enquiries to the appropriate contact.