Jessica Campbell

Affiliated student


Jessica is an ESRC-funded student within the School of History Classics and Archeology at the University of Edinburgh. Her doctoral project focuses on the relationship between madness, creativity and experience through a historical enquiry into the nature of alternative psychiatric therapies in Britain since 1840. Whilst her primary research interests fall within the social history of medicine, she is interested in cultural and social history more widely, and has, in addition to her own research, been working on the Menstruation Research Network's 'Ending Period Poverty' Project, an RSE-funded collaborative project which seeks to explore the historical factors which contribute to Scotland's watershed change in menstruation policy, and which have brought about the rise of Scotland as an international leader in menstrual projects. 

Blog Posts

Jessica has contributed the following articles to the CSMCH blog:

'Jessica Campbell on Pandemics, Past and Present' (2020).

'"Mad to be Normal" film screening' (2019).