Affiliated member & steering committee member Biography Anita recently completed her PhD in History at the University of Edinburgh, examining public discourses around political violence in interwar Britain and Germany. Her research interests lie broadly in twentieth century European history, and language and conflict. She is interested in colonial violence, the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust, 'coming to terms' with violent pasts, as well as in contemporary history. She previously studied English Language and History, also at Edinburgh, and is especially interested in the potential for combining her research interests across both disciplines in the future. She currently works as a research assistant for the Lothian Diary Project and as a freelance translator. Education 2020, PhD History, University of Edinburgh. Thesis title: “Negotiating Violence: Public Discourses about Political Violence in Interwar Britain and Germany." 2014, MSc Contemporary History, University of Edinburgh. 2013, MA (Hons) English Language and History, University of Edinburgh. Publications Anita Klingler, “Attitudes to Political Violence in Early Interwar Britain and Germany: Maintaining Law and Order in Glasgow and Munich, 1919”, in Christopher Dillon, Steven Schouten and Kim Wünschmann (eds.), Living the German Revolution of 1918-19: Expectations, Experiences, Responses (Oxford, forthcoming). L. Hall-Lew, C. Cowie, C. Lai, N. Markl, S. J. McNulty, S.-J. S. Liu, C. Llewellyn, B. Alex, Z. Elliott, & A. Klingler, “The Lothian Diary Project: Sociolinguistic Methods during the COVID-19 Lockdown”, Linguistics Vanguard [accepted with minor revisions]. L. Hall-Lew, C. Cowie, S. J. McNulty, N. Markl, S.-J. S. Liu, C. Lai, C. Llewellyn, B. Alex, N. Fang, Z. Elliott, & A. Klingler, “The Lothian Diary Project: Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Edinburgh and Lothian Residents”, Journal of Open Humanities Data, 7/4 (2021), pp. 1-5. Claire Cowie and Anita Klingler, “A re-appraisal of rhoticity in Indian English: Variants of /r/ and their distribution in Hindi-English bilinguals”, poster session presented at 4th International Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Anita Klingler, “Changes in Code-Switching Behaviour among Hindi-English Bilinguals in Northern India”, Lifespans and Styles. Undergraduate Working Papers on Intraspeaker Variation, 3/1 (2017), pp. 40-50. Centre Roles Anita has been a member of the CSMCH steering committe since its inception in September 2017 and has been a regular contributor to the Centre's blog, as well as appearing on the Centre's podcast channel. Her blog posts can be read here: 'Sarah Badcock on Russia’s revolutions from a provincial perspective' (2020) 'Jay Winter on war, memory and silence' (2019) 'Alex Paulin-Booth on the utopias of the French left' (2019) 'Vanessa Ogle on the history of offshore capitalism' (2018) 'Aditya Sarkar on the Hindu right and the reshaping of Indian democracy' (2018) 'Esra Özyürek on Muslims, the Nazi past and the German national character' (2017) Anita also discussed her research with former Centre director Emile Chabal for the CSMCH Showcase series in 2020, which can be listened to here: HTML This article was published on 2024-08-01